Tuesday, July 29, 2008

It burns!

I think I might need glasses soon. I've been playing my xbox 360 non stop on my HDTV through HDMI ports and the graphics are insane, but at the same time it hurts my eyes after extended play. I guess there not that use to the high resolution and horizontal and vertical frame rates. Go figure. Suffice to say that the first week of owning it I would come to work with bloodshot eyes, from bleaching till 5 am playing call of duty or assassin's creed. What's really addictive is the online play, being able to connect online and play a total stranger or friend on a game you really like. fifa is pretty cool online but those bloody bastards keep disconnecting right before they lose. COWARDS!

Anyhow, I've been using eye drops a lot lately. Yesterday I said screw it and returned to the old 720p resolution and it doesn't hurt my eyes one bit, but .... its not smooth and sexy like 1080i/p [cries].

So people if you see me online on messenger and my personal message has x box 360 followed by the name of a game its because I'm online playing games, so don't feel bad if I don't respond to you... typing with a game controller is just too hectic to bother. Sometimes I'll respond in really bad broken up creole to save time with typing on a remote control. Maybe I'll get a wireless keyboard who knows.

Till then... Game Over.


Beth said...

From one addiction to another! How much cigarette you smoke dese days?

Domanick Fabro said...

not one... which has contributed to some weight gain...which in turn makes me wanna smoke again .... haha.

Beth said...


Weight? That is ok. I don't know how you look but from experience weight lose because of smoking makes people look "maga" and sick. If you get used to it I think the weight will soon make you feel good.

What can I say? My brother is almost a doctor....

Unknown said...

You know, you really should update this more ;)

Beth said...

I agree... this is getting boring when no one post....time management is a part of being a grown....

Leonardo Melendez said...

Agree with Beth and Natalie.

Unknown said...

HAHA! I must be cool b/c people agree with me! MUAHAHAH