Saturday, January 12, 2008

A night out

Instead of routinely watching X-file episodes till dawn broke, I went out and well,... clubbed for the first time. Rachelle was driving, and smoking some Phillies, yum. We spent most of our time gawking at people instinctively grinding over each others crutches and calling it dancing, it was hilarious, there was this wan weee girl that looked 12 my god that woman can grind. If I had known dry humping was what people meant when they said lets go out tonight, I might have considered it a bit longer before saying no.

Had my first beer too, shit was disgusting. Whomever says they drink for the taste is talking crap! Crap I say! It was wonderful morning I have to admit, it was the most fun I'd had at 3 am in the morning. I have to admit though upon first venturing in and seeing all the people crowded and half drunk and pushing themselves onto each other and stuff, I really felt outside my comfort zone. Luckily I was with someone whose company I enjoy.

I took a snap shot with my camera phone while we were drinking and talking and pointing and laughing but, well she's a shy one.

The result?... a blurred middle finger

Did I mention I had fun?

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