Saturday, January 12, 2008

Rachelle says:

I was rummaging through my memorial archives and remembered something from last night that made me laugh my arse off. We were having conversation amidst the loud reggae songs playing, which we argued over whether or not it was live or not. So we spent most of the convo leaning into each others ears to just to hear.

Rachelle says:
So why don't you sleep dom?
Domanick says:
Rachelle says:
Domanick says:
haha, I'm serious. I took some meds to stay up to study and....
Rachelle says:
and what?
Domanick says:
I quit med school, and it never wore off.
Rachelle says:
I think you should sue!
Domanick says:


Beth said...

I would probably say the same thing

Domanick Fabro said...

haha, I just thought it was too funny!

Everything has a reason why said...

fabro- why don't you take sleeping pills then? LOL

Domanick Fabro said...

I do but I have to take monthly breaks from it or it becomes addictive. When I'm using its bliss though.

Beth said...

From one addiction to another...Mom used to drink some funky sleeping pills too, that really mess up our lives.