Thursday, July 28, 2011

Friends? I don't know

Lately I've been put in positions that cause me to question my friendship with certain people. I think of friends as people who are there for you through thick and thin and people that genuinely enjoy your company and seek it. Lately I've noticed that some of the people that consider me a friend only call upon me when they need help or a favor. Being in the field of work that I do I get called a lot to fix this for me or fix that... or help me with this, why isn't this working, how to do this.

Bah its never ending. And at first I don't mind because hey I thought we were friends. But when I notice you never want to hang out, you always have some lame excuse and the only time you seek me out is when you need a favor or help then, your not really much of a friend, and a lowsy one at that.

anyhow. I wont divulge into this topic anymore as it makes me mad. You do so much for someone, and in the end they don't appreciate anything and just drop you like yesterdays news. Screw you though, I won't miss you calling me just for help.


SD said...

Hello! You have an interesting website. It is nice to visit here.

Domanick Fabro said...

thanks vidzee

Beth said...

DOm! can you do me a favour?

LOl. Just kidding. I understand what you mean. Sometimes I sort of have to re-evaluate my friendship by inviting certain friends to come and help with something. These invitations and how "friends" respond to them tell me a lot of the nature of our relationship. In short, they let me know what to expect.

Interesting topic though.

Domanick Fabro said...

you are tricky!

Beth said...

I guess it is all about priorities. I prioritize on those I am closer to. While I don't think myself as a materialistic feeder, loyalty is something that draws me. It is nice to know how much someone has my back so I can have your back in the same proportions.... you know what I mean?