Wednesday, December 12, 2007

God bless the internet

Just finish downloading the season finale for Showtime's Dexter. All I can say is holy shit, it ended AWESOMELY!

Anyone that wants it, ask. Or you can wait Sunday, I couldn't....

be bringing it to school Friday for Derek.

EXams were super easy, I guess studying a day before the exam does pay off =D.

I studied almost the whole day right before the exam date for digital logics and signal processing... I thought it would have been so hard. It was a lot easier than I anticipated.

Communication skills, the one that had the most content to read... ha. It was a good thing I did the chapter review questions for each chapter and read each chapter for class. I didn't bother studying again, just briefly reviewed my question sheets, test paper and personal notes on the day of the exam... a couple hours before it too, I kid you not! Some people were reading the whole chapters over, studying days in advance, all kinda crap, hahaha. I guess some people study and some don't need to, like Derek. Missed almost 7 weeks of classes, studied on the day with me and still Aced it. Well, needless to say that exam was a joke. Looks like all As this semester... yay.


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