Friday, November 23, 2007

Etcha Sketch

Avatar Aang

I should really be doing presentations and research papers but... well I took a pause for inspiration and I manage to do a quick lil sketch.

Character: Aang
Time: 1hr maybe
Aggravations: no colors

P.S. : I've been trying to design a signature to place on all my drawings but I can't decide on one. I want to either incorporate my initials (D.F.) into something or maybe do some fancy squiggly lines or maybe even a small logo I don't know. Suggestions would be nice. Or maybe I'll just post a few of my ideas and I can get some feedback... oh shit I have to go start this research paper.



I was walking to my father's office here in Belmopan like I normally do after class to kill some time and do my job; but on the way over at the pedestrian ramp there was this crazy driver that almost ran me over. These blasted Belmopanese people, bloody ingrates. It came very close to taking out my knees ... I got a good look at the car and driver too. It was a green "Camry looking" type of car with a sunroof that looks like it's never been opened before. The dude driving was wearing shades although the vehicle was tinted and was on the cellphone no less... wait till I tell Mr. Freeze about this, he gets real riled up at stories of bad drivers.


Beth said...

I know.... I mean the dude must be nuts... People who talk on their cellphones while driving and don't open their PERFECTLY GOOD sunroofs should be taking behind the wheel. Better yet... they should be shot.


Leonardo Melendez said...

Shux, that's two near death experiences.

Hey, your Avatar's not loading. It did a few minutes ago. I got an Avatar hair cut once a.k.a. reverse mohawk or nohawk. Talk about center of attraction. If you get one of those, maybe those crazy drivers will notice you next time.

Domanick Fabro said...

@beth - shot, nice one. They act like they own to road chu?

@leo - LMAO!!! my, my, my... you sure could have passed for an airbender my friend. That was by far the funniest and coolest hair doo ever! I could never do that though, my head is way too big, or so I've been told.. so I normally just shave it clean like stone cold. I'll post a pic up sometime.... nohawk.. LMAO you made that up!

Beth said...

i used to call it the inverted mohawk but no one paid me any mind....