Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Venus Doom on iPod Touch

I've been a HIM fan since '96 when my dad brought me one of their albums from Finland...

I not too long ago ordered the new album Venus Doom with my iPod and damn, shit is amazing. I love the way how they went back to a more harder and darker style of metal. Not the soft metal crap they did in Dark Light. It feels almost like were back in the Greatest Love Songs Vol. 666 days.

Domanick Fabro

All in all I am in love with this new album.

Go buy it!

Ill just have to add this album to my collection....

The collection

And just because were in the picture giving mood haha....

ME again

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I'm an Arteest

Link and Navi
Time: 3 hours

Application: Jasc. Paint Shop Pro 8

Instruments: Keyboard, Mouse and Wacom© Tablet

Description: Link playing Nintendo DS Lite with his fairy Navi tailing. Done in the same shade cell design implemented in The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. I was quite fond of Link being demonstrated in this design. Very simple but elegant. Not to mention the game was soo fun!

Aggravations: I forgot about his eyebrows and remembered until I was in almost the final layers, so you can see how its above the other layers. Copy and pasted Navi from a previous drawing I did for my computer display pic in the welcome screen, so it doesn't blend all too well.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sir Knight

Man's best friend... you may have read before or know that I own a dog, his name is Sir Knight, but we just call him plain ole Knight. I bought him on a visit to Guatemala, with my own cash, thank you! He was the runt of the litter, since he had defective eyes. One blue the other green, no one wanted him. They all wanted the perfect blue eyed pair. I loved him for that deformity, and we've been inseparable ever since the day we met.

The other dog is Duke my dad's rotweiler. He is like 3 years old. Beautiful dog, very fucking smart my god. Makes Knight look like a dumb ass.

Anyhow....everyone has pets. I've had many... I'll show you some.

Ragamuffin my pet ferret. She lives with Elba in Guatemala now.

Sir Knight


Our dogs have the whole English Royal theme naming going on I know... weird... Well this is a video of them playing. What pets do you have?

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Anyone can quit smoking, but it takes a real man to face cancer!

"Very distubing, how old are you?" ....Those were the words the doctor told me after looking at an X-ray of my chest, and the reason I tried to quit smoking.

My eyes are now its not cancer. I've experienced this one before... they are breaking down on me once more. Once again not sleeping is having an effect on my eyes. They twitch on their own without me even feeling or knowing. I only find out when people are like "Whoa, cool how'd you do that?!" ..."Do what?"..."make your eye move like that".

There is a simple remedy, the doctor gave me it. Sleep. I've been off lunesta for months... I can't afford another addiction. This all happened because of crap like that. Back in med school I had to STUDY. I mean STUDY.... Friesen times ten studying. Everything was spanish, everything was new... imagine studying molecular biology, or physiology in a language you didn't even know for the first time. Spent countless nights translating, soaking in info, etc. No time for sleep, but the body craved it and claimed what was rightfully his regardless. I had to find a solution, another med student in my apartment complex had that. "sin suenos, este cabrones te va a dejar despierto por dias ...ahuevo va" They did just that, and I had the time I needed.

I think they were caffeine pills?.. at least thats what I hope. Nevertheless when I gave up the lifestyle and I could once again allow my best friend the sandman to visit, he didn't come. My body had been screwed beyond repair over the years of torture, both from those pills and the changes I had endured mentally. My mind is sooo, and tooo, active now.I'm just glad I got out before I jumped off a building like my friend Rishi Cummins. I find myself thinking about him... for those of you that seem stumped. Rishi graduated my year from SJC. Brilliant kid, he was terribly young too. He took 11 CXCs and faack almost all grade ones... he set a new record in the Caribbean and received so many awards. That kid was going places. Cut a year forward... he commit suicide by jumping off a building on his campus. Something about not hacking it anymore...always studying since he was born. I felt sorry for him. His mother didn't even allow simple pleasures like watching WWF, or playing games, he had to study when everyone else was being a kid. I'm glad I got out when I did.

My poor eyes, they've suffered the most in my journey. From the scar and partial blindness in my left eye from the car accident, to the things I've seen, and now to the lack of sleep.

My eyes are twitching... I wonder if I will need to close my eyes every night like before, to rest my eyes, yet being wide awake under my lids. At least I'll be alone. Wide awake under my eye lids, thinking, thinking, thinking.... my mind wont let me rest.

I need a cigarette. Bai

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

You Tube

The countless hours are beginning to pay off! I'm now rated on the top 100 most viewed pages on YouTube. You wouldn't believe how much hours of uploading I've spent. Too much free time on my hands? hahaha, quite possible. I enjoy it though.

My YouTube page..

I think I have well over a hundred videos uploaded each approximately ten minutes, each take up to 4-6 hours to upload with my shitty 128kbps BTL dsl. Can't wait till I'm in England where the net will be super fast. Till now I will just have to settle for the satellite internet I get to induldge myself with every weekend at work. This past weekend I downloaded Creed's entire collected in a matter of ten minutes on the satellite internet. It was nostalgic haha... This weekend I think I will download every season of Scrubs! and the new dexter episodes too.... YUM!...oh and maybe HOUSE M.D. God the possibilities... *shiver*

Lets just hope the bestest most coolest super hero in the world doesn't catch up to my youtube page... who do you ask? (CIM) Copyright Infringement man of course!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Love in cold blood

I gave up long ago.....
painting love with crimson flow,
ran out of blood and hope,
so I paint you no more.

From my personal experience, and Mr. Rabbani's (haha) I have to come to the conclusion that you just can't trust girls, no matter how sweet or honest they might be. You just can't trust them, every last one. Funny enough you can't live without 'em, or at least that's what they say.

You invest so much time, for nothing, and let's not forget time is money. Maybe I just over react about the situations I've been in? I don't know.

Let's see I've had uh, two real relationships, and a couple that never took off. The first one cheated on me without a doubt so I don't have to even entertain that one. The second, well we grew apart when she went abroad and she got a boy yonder but at least she was honest about that, she didn't cheat but she lied....

Then there were a couple that never took off because after those experiences you put precautions in place so the same things never happen again, and frankly they didn't pass the filter. Some complain about how I over react over small thing, or that my expectations are too high and its unfair that they have to pay for the mistakes of others but, what can you do? You have to have some form of insurance.

I won't go into any more details but I'll leave with a question. How far does it have to go, before you put that force field up? How far does it go before you consider it cheating. For example I go as far as the mind... You just think of it and that's enough for me.

I'll elaborate on what I mean "think of it". For example: your in a relationship with someone. Somewhere in there you get kinda busy, and don't have so much time for the person, you explain yourself, she says she understand, you love her, she says she loves you... but deep down she doesn't... she's straying... she's thinking to herself I wonder if I should be with him, or that cute guy that keeps flirting with me nowadays. To me that is just as good as cheating. You can't leave them alone for a minute and already they ... if every wife left their husband because they were away to work, ha! You have to be able to have that trust... you just can't not have it. Complete and utter loyalty regardless of the situation. Nowadays it seems like you blink and they find someone else. I end the line there because if it is starting there only a fool will continue so that it can happen later down the road where the consequences are ten fold. All that is left to do is sever all ties and never think about it again. Remember the lesson, forget the person.

How about you?

Sometimes there's just that one person you can never forget...

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Republic

Anakin Skywalker, Palpatine, Padme, Kit Fisto

I have a second job.... and its not being an artist hahaha...

gah, and its turning out to be more work than I wanted, why can't you get paid for nothing. So apart from being a computer technician at GScom I am now the network administrator for the department of environment in Belmopan. Yay... more money for me to spend on games and not girls!

However "the republic" that exists within the department is pissing me off. Apparently they had one of their employees that know a little about computers running the network since no one else was competent enough. He was very power militant though, like he denied access to internet to some people etc etc just because he could and wanted you to depend on him, absurd. Since I came in he's been very hostile. Kind of like this was my job asshole move out!, kinda attitude. So yes guess what he did to me? He changed the server password so I couldn't get in and do my work and then he's like gah I wont even divulge into that... just know I had to hack into the server change it and he got pissed and I was happy hehe.

Apart from the dilemma I have this other computer on the network that has a corrupted TCP/IP protocol and I've been spending two days on it so far trying to fix it, well not two entire days, mind you I am a full time student and I try to fix it in between classes etc, but I've been so busy with studying for tests and doing programs I'm packed.

Finally decided I'm just gonna say fuck it all and reformat it. Anyhow...

I have way too much work right now... either i quit a job or drop some class.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Asian chick

I remember drawing this one in the cafeteria of our apartment complex whilst not studying for molecular biology....

Yes I know she has no eyes, I intended for her hair to be covering it... besides I didn't have time to draw eyes I was too preoccupied with her breasteses.

Those were the days... young, bored, and running on empty. I honestly do miss those times although I hated what I was doing for a living at the time. I miss the place, I miss the people but most of all I miss me.

Sunday, October 7, 2007


Well, well, well not much to say. So I thought I'd do an entry about what I did over this weekend. So let's see, I actually started early in doing homework, for some odd reason, and I don't know why I didn't realize this before... but when you do your homework early it feels very rewarding. haha. So yes, lately I've been doing all my homework and studying early like a "model" student... *coughs* mennonite, and it feels great.

I spent the entire weekend doing a program for my Advance web technology class in PHP. It wasn't really hard, but it would have been way easier if the teacher didn't move so fast and actually slowed down and teach something. I had to do a lot of research on the language and shit before I could even begin to code. So I would think that was why it took my around 3 days to do.

Other than that I did manage to finally go see the new resident evil movie out. I think it was great compared to the previous two, but fucking way off compared to the game. I guess the movie franchise is all on its own now, but it was still a very good plot and story line. So I would still recommend you watching it.

I got my Mitsubishi pickup back finally! I've been without a mode of transportation since april when I had my accident that cost me my perfect 20/20 vision. Wearing the pirate eye patch was very cool still though I must say haha. So, yes where was I, uh.. I get my car back and being the person I am, meticulous to fuck. I find sooo much things I don't like about it.

The AC gives off a faint lil whistling noise when its one level below the highest, the passenger door seems to like droplets of water when its raining, the steering wheel makes a noise like plastic rubbing on plastic when I make turns, when I drive fast on the highway I can like hear the wind blowing making me believe the cab isn't totally air tight, when I go really fast I notice the steering is a lil shaky... gah I know... I have OCD.

I always do this though, I look for imperfections in everything and find even if there's none. I ordered a flash drive from the internet, kinda like the one I had stolen from me *coughs*. It came today but I've yet to go pick it up, oh well the night is young. My itouch wont be coming in until the 15th so I'm waiting anxiously to get it so I can eyeball all its imperfections and bitch about it later. tee hee.

Anyhow, I'll be back when I have something more interesting to say.