Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Republic

Anakin Skywalker, Palpatine, Padme, Kit Fisto

I have a second job.... and its not being an artist hahaha...

gah, and its turning out to be more work than I wanted, why can't you get paid for nothing. So apart from being a computer technician at GScom I am now the network administrator for the department of environment in Belmopan. Yay... more money for me to spend on games and not girls!

However "the republic" that exists within the department is pissing me off. Apparently they had one of their employees that know a little about computers running the network since no one else was competent enough. He was very power militant though, like he denied access to internet to some people etc etc just because he could and wanted you to depend on him, absurd. Since I came in he's been very hostile. Kind of like this was my job asshole move out!, kinda attitude. So yes guess what he did to me? He changed the server password so I couldn't get in and do my work and then he's like gah I wont even divulge into that... just know I had to hack into the server change it and he got pissed and I was happy hehe.

Apart from the dilemma I have this other computer on the network that has a corrupted TCP/IP protocol and I've been spending two days on it so far trying to fix it, well not two entire days, mind you I am a full time student and I try to fix it in between classes etc, but I've been so busy with studying for tests and doing programs I'm packed.

Finally decided I'm just gonna say fuck it all and reformat it. Anyhow...

I have way too much work right now... either i quit a job or drop some class.


Admin said...

All I ever wanted is an honest week's pay for an honest day's work!

Tracy Tillett said...


Yah and we both know you wouldn't spend money on chics, even if u had one... hmm, always crying that he broke... so not tru...anyhoos

love the pic...should have made only the eyes red. ;)

Domanick Fabro said...

@ freeze:

That's why you will never be a politician.


Like you would even know pfft! I am always broke, my daddy doesn't pay everything for me you know, lucky bastard!

Leonardo Melendez said...

Corrupt TCP/IP? Hmmm, sounds rare. The tedious last resort is sometimes the only sane resort.

And by the way, super sketch dude!