Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Gah! I'm running out of Hard Disk space... way too much things on it. Yes, yes... I knew all those countless hours of downloading were gonna bite me in the arse! I find myself 12GB away from filling up two 880GB Hard Drives I have set up in my server at home. Hard drives I got at a good deal from dilapidated computers retired from the "Republic".

How, you might ask, have I accomplished this?... Easy, shit loads of Anime, Televison series, Movies, Programs, Softwares, ISOs, pictures, music, videos.... you name it I have it.

I think though that the majority share holder ("the culprit") of taking up all my space has got to be the anime and tv series.

Here's a list of some of the Anime series and Tv series I have :

those are only some, and that doesn't even count the movies I have. Yep..., anyhow I'm really tempted to buy a 1TB external HD to continue my collection. The bills are piling up on me though, I just ordered online 2GB of memory for my laptop, some more iPod touch accessories and The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass for my Nintendo DS and a couple more RPGs for my Wii.

I might need a third job... ha.


Leonardo Melendez said...

Muhahahaha! It wouldn't surprise me if you had TiVo.

Leonardo Melendez said...

Dude, you got seasons of That Seventies Show?

Domanick Fabro said...

@Derek - haha, I keep forgetting to take it to school for you, its already burnt and like sitting on my desk there.

@leo - sure do, and for some odd reason I don't know WHY!? but that just made me remember I have the complete season of Lois and Clark. weird.