Tuesday, October 23, 2007

You Tube

The countless hours are beginning to pay off! I'm now rated on the top 100 most viewed pages on YouTube. You wouldn't believe how much hours of uploading I've spent. Too much free time on my hands? hahaha, quite possible. I enjoy it though.

My YouTube page.. www.youtube.com/ddomanickk

I think I have well over a hundred videos uploaded each approximately ten minutes, each take up to 4-6 hours to upload with my shitty 128kbps BTL dsl. Can't wait till I'm in England where the net will be super fast. Till now I will just have to settle for the satellite internet I get to induldge myself with every weekend at work. This past weekend I downloaded Creed's entire collected in a matter of ten minutes on the satellite internet. It was nostalgic haha... This weekend I think I will download every season of Scrubs! and the new dexter episodes too.... YUM!...oh and maybe HOUSE M.D. God the possibilities... *shiver*

Lets just hope the bestest most coolest super hero in the world doesn't catch up to my youtube page... who do you ask? (CIM) Copyright Infringement man of course!


Domanick Fabro said...


Beth said...

Who is this guy? He visited mine too. I just deleted it.

Congrats on the achievements